Data Shooter
At ease soldier: your data is shot immediately at the right spot for your use! The most relevant data you want to see anytime, anywhere, in your applications.
The Solutions
Companies are often copying pricing data from different sources. Calculation tables are used for our own analysis. Errors in copying lead to wrong assessments, resulting in unforeseen extra costs. That is why an automatic feed is necessary. EnergyMarketPrice provides end-of-day settlement data for all major energy commodities, with intra-day data options available.
Hi, our hero IT team, added markets for "Your Company". Give us a minute and we will explain how the new web Service for Data Shooter works.
Our link for Data Shooter has this format: https://energymarketprice.com/Export/DataShooter/{'{Format}'}/{'{Key}'}/{'{Date}'} The text between brackets represents Data Shooter parameters.
Receiving data in XML, JSON or XLSX format
The unique text code with letters and numbers representing the key to access this Data Shooter. Each client has a unique key.for high security, to access his own Data Shooter.
The date (yyyy/mm/dd) that we will receive the data. If we can omit this parameter, we will receive data for the previous working day.

Field Name and Description
id | Market ID is the internal reference of EMP |
value | The actual value/price at mdate for a specific commodity |
mdate | The TRADING Date |
Commodity_group | The commodity, can be power, natural gas, oil, etc… |
mdate | The TRADING Date |
Commodity_name | The name of the market. This one is important also for the allocation of the value to the correct date. There is a clear difference between trading date and delivery date of spot prices. |
Unit | Is MWh, therm, etc… |
Currency | EUR, £, $ |
Contract Type | Spot, Hour, Month, Quarter, Season, Cal |
Delivery Type | For Power, it shows if it's Base, Peak or Offpeak. For others, null result. |
Delivery_period | The delivery period for the analyzed product traded on mdate |
Begin_delivery_date | For Power, date start at 00,00, while gas day starts at 06,00. Each for the next 24 hours. |
End_delivery_date | End_delivery_date: for Power: end hour is 23,59 and for gas: 05,59. |
Market definition for hourly spot prices: | There are 2 possibilities: presentation in UTC time schedule, or CET. |
Market Definition for spot products on gas prices | There are two possibilities: get the values on the TRADING DAY, or on de the DELIVERY DAY.This is to be found back in the mdate. |