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IEA: an increase of US shale gas prices could provoke a return to coal

According to a report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the production of energy from coal is little by little regaining market share from natural gas-fired power generation. After years of cutting back on its consumption in favor of low-emitting gas, the world's largest economy to increase its use of coal, because of a probable increase of shale gas prices.

read more... 30/05/2013


Poland will not apply taxes on shale gas production by 2020

After several foreign companies, as Exxon Mobil, Canada’s Talisman Energy and US oil firm Marathon, quit the Polish market in the past few months, the finance minister, Jacek Rostowski, has announced that Poland will not tax shale gas production until 2020 and will improve regulation, in a move which aims to attract energy explorers.

read more... 23/05/2013


Portugal’s power production from renewables at 70%

Redes Energeticas Nacionais, the operator of the country’s energy grid has recently announced that Portugal has reached a major landmark, about 70% of the country’s energy was supplied through renewable sources in the first quarter of 2013, which proves that Portugal has serious intentions to abandon fossil fuels.

read more... 22/05/2013


Italy is still far away from energy independency

Italy, unfortunately, is still far away from being independent from the point of view of energy production. According to a report on renewable sources released by Svimez, Italy is still too dependent on energy from other European countries, with heavy result on costs.

read more... 14/05/2013


Spain’s shale gas reserves

Spain is the fifth largest energy consumer in Europe and has practically no domestic production of liquid fuels or natural gas. It has made significant progress in diversifying into renewable energy but, this only accounts for about 9% of its gross inland consumption. A quarter of consumption is fuelled by natural gas and half by petroleum, both of which Spain has to import.

read more... 10/05/2013
