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Over 1,000 new coal stations to be built worldwide

A study released by World Resources Institute (WRI) shows that more than 1,000 coal-fired power plants are planned to be built worldwide, despite numerous warnings from politicians, scientists and campaigners that carbon emissions could reach unprecedented heights within a few years.

read more... 20/11/2012


A hike in UK coal consumption may jeopardize the climate change targets

According to some data released by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the rate of coal consumption in the UK thermal power generators remains at its highest levels since 2006, with the country thermal consumption at electricity generators up by 37% in comparison to the same period last year, up to 35.1 million metric tons.

read more... 29/10/2012


Vattenfall to build a new coal-fired power station in Germany

Vattenfall has begun operations at its new coal fired power station in Saxony, Germany. The 675 MW Boxberg R plant will be fuelled with local brown coal from a nearby eastern German mining area and will cost about 1.29 billion dollars to build.

read more... 15/10/2012


Europe: Higher prices of natural gas increase demand for coal

Due to higher prices of natural gas, Europe imports of coal from the U.S. have nearly doubled. U.S. coal exports have beaten a new record and reached 66.2 million tons, increasing by about 24% in the first six months of this year. More than half of the U.S. coal exports were directed to Europe.

read more... 05/10/2012


Germany: Coal consumption to grow

Following the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Germany decided to phase-out nuclear power by 2022. As a result, this decision has created a loss of about 12.7 GW, and despite many investments in the renewable energy sector, the gap should be filled with coal and gas, to ensure the country's energy future.

read more... 02/10/2012
