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New EDF boss requires higher electricity prices

French utility EDF's new boss Jean-Bernard Levy complained on Tuesday about low energy prices in France, declaring government regulations were obliging the utility to finance its dividends partially through debt.

read more... 26/11/2014


EDF: French nuclear reactor postponed to 2017

French utility EDF declared that its Areva-designed EPR nuclear reactor in Flamanville, France, will be delayed one more year, anticipating it would be linked to the grid in 2017, a decade after the start of the construction.

read more... 19/11/2014


France: Slight decrease of regulated natural gas tariffs as of 1st December

Regulated gas tariffs in France will decline by an average of 0.79% (excluding taxes) from December 1st, announced the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) on November 17. This decline comes after two consecutive months of increases.

read more... 18/11/2014


EDF: strong nuclear production compensates for unfavorable weather

Strong nuclear production in France compensated for the negative repercussion of bad weather on EDF’s sales in the first nine months of the year, as stated by French utility on Thursday.

read more... 07/11/2014


Solar latecomer France starts construction of Europe’s biggest plant

France started the construction of Europe's largest photovoltaic solar power plant, making up some lost ground against its neighbors.

read more... 06/11/2014
