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Germany to choose between a coal levy and gradual phase out of coal power plants on July 1

Germany is considering two alternative proposals on how to curb CO2 emissions from the energy sector and would make a final decision on July 1, Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Wednesday.

read more... 25/06/2015


Daily: European forward power prices rally to seven-week high on stronger gas, coal price, upbeat macroeconomic data

Crude futures increased by about 2 percent on Tuesday, with the bounce attributed to technical price triggers, expectations for a weekly decline in U.S. crude supplies and gasoline demand. However, a stronger dollar did little to temper the hike. Brent crude futures rose by $1.11, or 1.8 percent, to close at $64.45 a barrel. U.S. crude futures closed at $61.01, up 63 cents, or 1 percent.

read more... 24/06/2015


South Korea to develop two 3,000 MW nuclear plants to cut coal reliance

The South Korea Government envisages increasing its nuclear reactor fleet by two more units, as the country wants to get rid of coal power and to focus on technologies with lower greenhouse gas emissions.

read more... 15/06/2015


Germany economy ministry declares coal levy still on the table

Germany's government is still evaluating all suggestions on how to reduce CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants, as declared by an economy ministry spokesman on Wednesday, discharging a report that a debated coal levy had been put on ice.

read more... 11/06/2015


Norway parliament votes to reduce coal investments

Norway's parliament voted on Friday to cut coal investments by its $880 billion sovereign wealth fund, the world’s largest, in a decision greeted by ecologists as a model to support slow climate change.

read more... 08/06/2015
