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The Czech government to end solar subsidies from 2014

The Czech Republic’s lower house of Parliament has voted on Friday to end subsidies for the renewable energy industry and to extend a tax on existing PV installations, starting from January next year, having the objective to reduce subsidies and to cut increasing power prices.

read more... 19/08/2013


UK to invest 66 million pounds in the offshore wind industry

The UK Government intends to invest 66 millions of pounds in the offshore wind industry aiming to create more jobs and to improve the economy, meanwhile maintaining the UK as a world leader in the sector.

read more... 02/08/2013


Daily: UK gas prices drop on warmer weather forecast

Crude oil futures registered a slight increase on Monday in thin trade, reversing earlier losses, as the market assimilated mixed economic and industry data from the United States and China, the greatest oil consumers in the world. Brent crude front-month edged up 28 cents to settle at $109.09 a barrel, after earlier dropping below $108 a barrel. The August contract expires on Tuesday. Meanwhile, U.S. crude oil traded 37 cents up to close at $106.32 a barrel after slipping below $105 earlier in the session, following the publication of the U.S. retail sales data.

read more... 16/07/2013


EWEA: Offshore wind turbines increased about 2-fold in 2013

The industry body European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) said in the first half of 2013 the number of new offshore wind turbines installed increased about 2-fold compared with a year ago, however financing for new projects has slowed.

read more... 12/07/2013


Energy Policy Objectives in Belgium

- to phase-out the nuclear energy (between 2015 and 2025) - to reorganize the electricity and gas markets (in Flanders, electricity and gas markets are fully liberalized since July 2003) - to implement the Federal Plan for Sustainable Development, in the context of the "Law concerning the coordination of the federal policy on sustainable development" (May 5, 1997), a new version of the plan for 2004-2008 has been elaborated. - to implement the National Climate Plan 2002-2012, signed in 2002, by both the federal and regional governments responsible for environment, energy and transport, measures to be taken at either the federal or the regional levels. FLANDERS: - to encourage the efficient use of energy (to reduce the consumption of energy in the residential sector and to increase energy efficiency in industry and the service sector) - to provide the greatest energy services at adequate prices for all social groups, through regulation of electricity and gas markets - to augment energy production through the use of renewable energy WALLONIA: Walloon Plan for Sustainable Mastery of Energy (2003) - to reduce the final consumption by 6% by 2010 - to modify behavior through increased public consciousness of energy matters - to develop the renewable energy sector - to regulate electricity and gas markets, to discuss and evaluate policies - to encourage the efficient use of energy in buildings, industry and services - Decree of 1 March 2012 (Wallonia). The objective of the Walloon Government is to achieve 20% of renewable energy by 2020 and 100% by 2050. The Walloon government will require energy suppliers an higher annual percentage of green certificates. Currently it is 15.75% and gradually it will reach 30.4% in 2016 and 37.9% in 2020, an annual increase of 3.65%. BRUSSELS-CAPITAL: - to increase public awareness of the efficient use of energy - to establish a support system for renewable and other energy projects - to offer finance education and other support to the tertiary sector (as well as public authorities) - to develop administrative tools for building developers on the energy performance on buildings Source: Energy Market Price – Belgium Energy Statistics Report

read more... 13/06/2013
