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Russia Moves In On European Gas Markets As Oil Prices Crash

Russia sees a silver lining in the oil price collapse—it now believes that the oil price war will help it win the war for natural gas market share in Europe. Russia’s gas giant Gazprom, the single largest supplier of natural gas to Europe, has watched with apprehension the growing volumes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States that have arrived on European shores over the past two years.

read more... 24/03/2020


Norway’s February gas output up, sales down

Norway’s natural gas production increased slightly in February, roughly meeting the government’s forecast for the month, Kallanish Energy learns from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD).

read more... 17/03/2020


Russia's Power of Siberia pipeline closed for maintenance

Russian gas producer Gazprom said on Monday the Power of Siberia gas pipeline had been closed for routine maintenance until April 1.

read more... 16/03/2020


Russia's Power of Siberia gas pipeline to stop for maintenance in March

The Power of Siberia gas pipeline will stop for a routine maintenance checkup in the second half of March, Interfax news agency reported on Tuesday, citing Russian gas giant Gazprom.

read more... 11/03/2020


Bulgaria agrees 40% price cut of Russian gas imports

Bulgaria has agreed 40% cut in the price of natural gas it imports under its long-term import contract with Russia, its dominant gas supplier, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said on Tuesday.

read more... 03/03/2020
