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Siemens building 8.8-MW green hydrogen plant in Bavaria

Construction of an 8.75-MW green hydrogen production facility in Wunsiedel, northeast Bavaria, started last week.

read more... 14/07/2021


Norway to spend $1.2 bln on renewable projects in developing nations

Norway will allocate 10 billion crowns ($1.16 billion) over five years towards renewable energy investments in developing countries to cut greenhouse gas emissions, the government said on Wednesday, and urged private investors to work with it.

read more... 08/07/2021


Europe’s largest electrolyser launched, set to multiply capacity tenfold by 2024

Germany’s largest refinery hosts the largest electrolyser of its kind in Europe, built by Shell and the EU. The Anglo-Dutch oil major is already looking towards building an electrolyser ten times larger by 2024 with the aim of supplying German industry with green hydrogen.

read more... 06/07/2021


Germany to have 1 million electric cars on the road in July

Germany will in July have 1 million electric cars on the road, hitting its target six months late, Economy Minister Peter Altmaier told Tagesspiegel daily on Friday, saying subsidy programmes had boosted demand.

read more... 02/07/2021


Spain to tender renewable capacity in 175 grid nodes

The Spanish environment and energy ministry plans to tender grid injection capacity to new renewable power projects in 175 nodes across its transmission and distribution grids next year, it announced today.

read more... 01/07/2021
