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Italy's Terna earmarks over EUR 7bn for grid upgrades

Italian grid operator Terna SpA has committed to spend EUR 7.3 billion (USD 8.27bn) to modernise and strengthen the country’s power network over the next five years in support of climate targets requiring higher volumes of green power.

read more... 12/03/2020


UK fleets to invest £12bn in electric vehicles

Fleet investment in electric vehicles (EVs) will increases by almost 50% over the next two years, exceeding £12 billion, according to new research from Centrica Business Solutions.

read more... 12/03/2020


Daily (11.03.2020): Oil, stuck between coronavirus and price war, sharply recovered on Tuesday as Russia is open to renew cooperation with OPEC

Crude oil futures rebounded on Tuesday after having hit the worst session since 1991the previous day as ongoing talks between OPEC and Moscow remain possible.

read more... 11/03/2020


Bulgaria's Bulgargaz to book capacity at Greek LNG terminal

Bulgaria’s state-owned gas company Bulgargaz will reserve 500 million cubic gas annually for 10 years at the liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal now being built in northern Greece, the government said on Tuesday.

read more... 11/03/2020


Iberdrola to invest EUR 150m in EV charging infrastructure

Spanish energy giant Iberdrola SA (BME:IBE) announced today it will invest EUR 150 million (USD 170.5m) to install 150,000 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations over the next five years under the updated sustainable mobility plan.

read more... 11/03/2020
