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Greek heavy industry on verge of collapse

The Greek heavy industry is experiencing a collapse period as Halyvourgiki and Hellenic Halyvourgia, two of Greece's biggest steelmakers are likely to lose the fight for survival.

read more... 19/02/2014


Germany obtained the green light to issue free carbon permits for 2013

Germany, the strongest economy and biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in Europe, received on Wednesday the green light from the European Commission to begin the issuance of permits to industrial companies in the country, as part of the European Union's efforts to aid heavy industry compete with rivals in countries with less stringent environmental regulations.

read more... 18/02/2014


Gamesa strikes agreement with Eolus Vind for G114-2.0 MW turbine supply

The global technological leader in the wind industry Gamesa, inked a deal with Swedish wind power developer Eolus Vind, envisaging the supply of four of its G114-2.0 MW wind turbines in the Scandinavian market.

read more... 17/02/2014


2013: a great year for Enel and for geothermal energy

Last year the geothermal energy industry celebrated 100 years of commercial geothermal power generation. Italy is the country where geothermal energy was first exploited for industrial reasons and it is still one of the main producers of geothermoelectric energy in the world. The first example of a geothermal power plant went into operation in 1905, in Larderello, Tuscany.

read more... 13/02/2014


Spain sets out new electricity bill structure to protect consumers

Spain’s Industry Ministry will use a new method to determine consumer power bills, giving up the old auction system, which last year, had a major impact on household electricity bills while a spike in the scheme led to huge cost increases.

read more... 13/02/2014
