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Total acquires wind power company GWP France

French oil and gas company Total has acquired a 100% stake in Global Wind Power (GWP) France, expanding its renewable energy capacity in the country.

read more... 23/03/2020


Saudi Arabia announces $32 billion in emergency funds to mitigate oil, coronavirus impact

Saudi Arabia’s government unveiled stimulus measures amounting to 120 Saudi billion riyals ($32 billion) on Friday to support an economy hit by the double blow of the coronavirus crisis and dramatically lower oil prices.

read more... 23/03/2020


French power group EDF sees 2020 earnings at lower end of forecasts

French state-controlled power group EDF said on Monday it now expected its 2020 core earnings to be at the lower end of forecasts, as it deals with the impact of the coronavirus outbreak.

read more... 23/03/2020


Daily (23.03.2020): Carbon prices dropped by over 26% on a weekly basis on Friday, due to increased coronavirus concerns

Crude oil futures extended losses on Friday, being on track for their biggest weekly decline in 12 years, on worries about the coronavirus pandemics that slowed down global economies and curbed oil demand. The failure of coordinated output cuts by producers from the OPEC and others including Russia, also put pressure on prices. Hence, Brent crude plunged by 5.2%, to settle at $26.98 a barrel. At the same time, WTI futures tumbled by 10.3% to $22.63 a barrel.

read more... 23/03/2020


Daily (20.03.2020): Oil prices regained ground on Thursday after significant declines, supported by stimulus measures

Crude oil futures rebounded on Thursday, buoyed by supportive measures from centrals banks and governments to combat the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic .Moreover, Trump administration reportedly said it may intervene in the oil-price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia. However, analysts consider the climb more symbolic, rather than a clear signal that prices are ready for a sustained rebound.

read more... 20/03/2020
