Latest news

New Zealand welcomes first floating solar project in wastewater facility

The project, which covers one hectare of water surface is forecast to generate enough electricity to power 200 homes

read more... 05/10/2020


RWE launches research into the salty storage of green electricity

The project could see underground caverns store several GWh of electricity from renewable sources

read more... 02/10/2020


UK renewables hit 44.6% Q2 share while other sources suffer

Renewables in the UK reached a share of 44.6% in second-quarter power generation, the second highest on record, while all other sources produced less electricity amid low demand.

read more... 01/10/2020


Giant onshore wind farm in Austria granted €107.4m

The 143MW wind farm will generate enough electricity to power around 90,000 homes

read more... 07/09/2020


Baltic States agree to block nuclear power from Belarus

The ministries responsible for the energy sector in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have reached an agreement to cease electricity trading with Belarus when it commissions its nuclear power plant and to introduce a system of certificates stating the origin of electricity.

read more... 04/09/2020
