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ExxonMobil’s Q4 earnings tumble 40% due to the prolonged downturn in oil prices

U.S. oil giant ExxonMobil reported earnings well below analysts’ expectations on January 31.

read more... 01/02/2017


Shell to divest its assets in North Sea for $3.8 bln

Oil major Royal Dutch Shell unveiled the sale of its North Sea oil and gas assets fields to private equity-backed Chrysaor for $3.8 billion in its first major exit from the basin in 45 years.

read more... 31/01/2017


Gazprom Neft brings two more wells online at Prirazlomnoye oil field

Gazprom Neft subsidiary Gazpromneft-Shelf has launched production at two new production wells at its Arctic oil field Prirazlomnoye field, increasing the total number of well to six.

read more... 24/01/2017


Total prepares drills in Cyprus, Egypt in regional growth push

France's Total is preparing to drill for gas off Cyprus, near ENI's major Zohr finding off the Egyptian coast which in 2015 renewed interest among oil most important companies for exploration in the Mediterranean.

read more... 20/01/2017


Norway: The oil fund of $880 billion could exclude major polluters

The ethics regulator for Norway's $880-billion wealth fund will concentrate this year on finding companies with huge emissions of greenhouse gases and will suggest excluding them from the fund's investments, as it stated.

read more... 12/01/2017
