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Nord Stream updates Russia-Germany pipeline outage end-date to April next year

Nord Stream AG, the operator of the Russia-led Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline, on Monday updated the end date of the unplanned outage at the Greifswald exit in Germany to April 1, next year.

read more... 29/11/2022


Italy applies 50% windfall tax on energy companies' extra income

Italy plans to apply a 50% one-off windfall tax next year on income of energy companies that have benefited from the surge in oil and gas prices, a draft of the government's 2023 budget seen by Reuters showed.

read more... 28/11/2022


Austria, Croatia, Bavaria team up for Adriatic LNG project

In a bid to reduce dependence on Russian gas, Austria, Croatia and the German region of Bavaria announced an energy-political partnership during a visit by Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer and Bavarian Minister-President Markus Söder to Croatia’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in the northern Adriatic.

read more... 25/11/2022


EU countries unhappy with 275 euro gas cap proposal

European Union energy ministers locked horns on Thusday over a proposed gas price cap at 275 euros per megawatt hour (MWh), grappling over its effectiveness at that level and the impact on supplies and incentives to cut consumption.

read more... 25/11/2022


Daily (24.11.2022): Cold weather and threats that Russia could cut gas exports contributed to the rise in gas prices on Wednesday

Oil prices were bearish on Wednesday, as EU members continued to discuss a price cap on Russian oil. Consequently, Brent crude traded 3.3% lower at $85.41 a barrel, and WTI oil fell by 3.7% to $77.94 a barrel.

read more... 24/11/2022
