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UK’s hopes of boosting hydrogen trade hobbled by Brexit

The UK hydrogen strategy, unveiled last week (17 August), has many similarities with the EU’s own blueprint presented one year before, analysts say. But trade and regulatory cooperation between the two sides is complicated by Brexit, with the UK likely to become a rule-taker at the end of the day.

read more... 27/08/2021


It’s crunch time for France’s tumultuous renewable energy debate

As the debate on renewable energies and nuclear rages across France, nuclear proponents, environmentalists, scientists and politicians will have to set aside their differences in order to advance the energy transition.

read more... 26/08/2021


Chevy Bolt Recall Raises Concerns About Lithium Battery Safety

So far, it has been largely Samsung cell phones or laptops batteries that have caught the media’s attention when devices have caught fire, particularly in contained locations like aircraft or offices.

read more... 25/08/2021


Denmark consults on green hydrogen price, seeing Eur2/kg by 2030

Denmark has opened a consultation with industry on future green hydrogen prices with a scenario seeing costs around Eur2/kg ($2.36/kg) by 2030, said Aug. 17.

read more... 18/08/2021


UK hydrogen strategy defers difficult decisions on CO2 intensity, market mechanisms

The UK will pursue a technology-neutral approach to develop 5-GW of low-carbon hydrogen by 2030 in its much-anticipated Hydrogen Strategy, but said details on market mechanisms and carbon intensity definitions to support it would wait until 2022.

read more... 17/08/2021
