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Gas field maintenance drives UK gas price higher

The summer maintenance of several gas fields in North Sea reduced the UK market gas supply.

read more... 10/08/2010


Ithaca acquires GDF Suez natural gas assets in the North Sea

Ithaca has decided to acquire GDF Suez shares in several North Sea assets. The amount of the transaction is GBP 11.25 million and includes shares in several natural gas fields.

read more... 06/08/2010


Partnership between Gas Natural and Enel for Enel Union Fenosa Renovables dissolved

The Italian utility Enel and Spanish energy company Gas Natural stopped their cooperation in the renewable energy in Spain.

read more... 05/08/2010


New Joint Venture between Novatec and Gazprom to develop Yamal gas and oil field

Novatec formed a Joint Venture with the Russian energy state company Gazprom to develop the Yamal oil and gas field. Each company holds 50% in the venture.

read more... 29/07/2010


Alstom renewed its gas turbines maintenance contract for Gas Natural Fenosa plants

Alstom renewed its contract with Gas Natural Fenosa for the operation, the maintenance and the inspection of its combined cycle units in Sant Adria del Besos and San Roque power plants, in Spain.

read more... 29/07/2010
