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German gas TSOs plan Polish, Russian capacity upgrades

Several gas transmission system operators (TSOs) plan to convert German interruptible entry capacity into firm capacity at the German-Polish border and on entry from Russian state-controlled Gazprom's Nord Stream and planned Nord Stream 2 pipelines.

read more... 12/08/2020


Poland fines Gazprom $57 million over Nord Stream 2

Poland’s antimonopoly watchdog UOKiK said on Monday it had fined Gazprom 213 million zloty ($57 million) for lack of cooperation in its proceedings with regard to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project.

read more... 03/08/2020


Gazprom Neft joins the international LNG-bunkering community

Gazprom Neft has become the 1st oil company in Russia to join the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF), through its Gazpromneft Marine Bunker subsidiary Gazpromneft Shipping, operator of the Gazpromneft Marine Bunker fleet.

read more... 31/07/2020


Turkey Moves To Reduce Reliance On Russian Gas

Turkey is looking to reduce further its reliance on Russian gas, and for the first time in almost two decades, Turkey may not receive gas at all from Russian gas giant Gazprom for at least two weeks.

read more... 23/07/2020


Romanian nat gas producer Romgaz plans entry on supply, distribution market - report

Romanian natural gas producer Romgaz is planning to enter the gas distribution and supply segment for domestic customers, local media reported on Wednesday.

read more... 16/07/2020
