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Endesa received three bids for its Spanish gas network

Three infrastructure funds (sponsored by Macquarie, Goldman Sachs and AXA Private Equity) have submitted their bids on Monday for the distribution and transmission grid of Spanish Endesa SA.

read more... 15/09/2010


Exploration assets sold by Petrom in Russia

The major oil and gas group in Romania, Petrom, owned mostly by Austrian OMV, sold 75% of exploration assets in Ring Oil to its minority partner Mineral and Bio Oil Fuels Limited in Russia, since it focuses mainly on the Romanian and Kazakh activities. The total value of the transaction was not disclosed.

read more... 07/09/2010


Eni intends to increase gas stocks by 4 bcm

Eni, the major oil and gas company in Italy, presented to regulatory authorities and to the Industry Ministry a plan to raise its gas storage facilities by 4 billion cubic meters, according to some of the Ministry’s officials.

read more... 06/09/2010


Plans to build LNG terminal in the Dutch port cancelled

Vopak, Dutch oil and chemicals storage company, together with the gas transport society Gasunie and the utility Essent, have cancelled the plans to build an LNG terminal in the northern part of the Dutch port Eemshaven with a storage capacity of 2 tanks, or 180,000 cubic meters capacity.

read more... 03/09/2010


Gazprom could double the prices in the near future

GAZPROM declared that the gas prices for Europe could double during the next 18 months.

read more... 30/08/2010
