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Shell and Gazprom to build third LNG plant in Sakhalin

The governor of the Sakhalin region, Alexander Khoroshavin declared that Gazprom and Royal Dutch Shell Plc plan to expand their Sakhalin-2 venture by 2015. The new project, called Sakhalin-3 consists in building a third plant to produce liquefied natural gas by these two gas companies.

read more... 30/12/2010


BP examines the possibility of drilling a new well in the Caspian Sea.

BP, the largest foreign investor in Azerbaijan which operates the technical aspects of the project on the development of the Shah Deniz gas field wants to build new production well in the Caspian Sea.

read more... 30/12/2010


Shell appraises Gas Discovery in Libya

A gas discovery was made in Libya’s Sirte Basin according to Shell Exploration and Production Libya. The company said that it will appraise the discovery to determine if the reserves found are of commercial quantity.

read more... 29/12/2010


Gas Exporting Countries Forum will expand.

According to statements made this year by the Secretary-General of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), Leonid Bokhanovsky, the organization will add new members.

read more... 29/12/2010


Vietsovpetro will continue Vietnam-Russia oil cooperation.

Vietnam and Russia will continue cooperating in geological survey and oil and gas production on Vietnam’s continental shelf within the framework of the Vietnamese-Russian oil and gas joint venture (JV) Vietsovpetro after 2010.

read more... 28/12/2010
