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EU prime ministers to discuss the creation of the North-South energy corridor

The president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso announced that some of the prime ministers from European countries will meet a day before the 4 February EU energy summit to discuss the creation of the North-South gas corridor.

read more... 03/02/2011


Finland seeks to obtain a stake in the Yamal LNG Project

Finnish oil and gas companies seek to get involved in the Yamal LNG Project, which is why officials of Finnish oil and gas companies met last week in Moscow at the seventh session of the Russian-Finnish Inter-Governmental Commission on Economic Cooperation with the Russian Ministry of Energy.

read more... 02/02/2011


Max Petroleum provides a production test of UTS-1 well in Kazakhastan

Max Petroleum, an oil and gas exploration company, based in UK, will provide a production test at its UTS-1 well, at the Uytas field in western Kazakhstan.

read more... 01/02/2011


Exxon Mobil drills a record long well at Sakhalin-1, Russia

Exxon Neftegas, the subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation announced that it has drilled an extended-reach (ERD) well with a world record length at the Sakhalin-1 Project in the Odoptu field, offshore Russia.

read more... 31/01/2011


Exxon and Rosneft sign an agreement to develop Black Sea oil and gas

Exxon, the U.S. major oil company and Rosneft, the Russia's oil giant have signed on January 27th an agreement to develop offshore oil and gas in the Black Sea.

read more... 28/01/2011
