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TAP chooses Greek pipeline as optimal route

The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) designed to deliver natural gas from the Caspian region to Europe via Greece, Albania, and Italy, has finished its route refinement study of the pipeline section between Thessaloniki (Greece) and the Greek-Albanian border.

read more... 30/03/2011


Russia may benefit from the Japanese crisis

Russia's reputation as a dependable energy exporter was badly denigrated by a series of pricing disputes with Ukraine which led to disruptions of Russian gas supply to Europe in the middle of winter. Additionally, Moscow was accused of using its natural riches to put pressure on its neighbors.

read more... 28/03/2011


Putin visits Serbia for pipeline deal

During his visit to Serbia on Wednesday, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin assured Serbia that the building of South Stream gas pipeline will start as planned in 2013 and will be put into operation till December 2015.

read more... 25/03/2011


Daily Energy Overview, March, Thursday, 24, 2011

U.S. crude oil futures increased above 105 dollars a barrel at settlement on Wednesday, reaching their highest level in two-and-a-half year, supported by persistent military operations in Libya and unstable situation in the Middle East countries but also by falling U.S. gasoline stocks.

read more... 24/03/2011


The impact of Yemen unrest on its LNG export

French oil giant Total warned buyers of liquefied natural gas from Yemen that shipments from the country could face cuts due to increasing political unrest, although the LNG production remains normal for now. If the violent manifestations continue, they would lead to a further force majeure on export.

read more... 24/03/2011
