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Gazprom postpones gas pipelines to connect to Turkish line

Gazprom has told pipeline manufacturers to defer deliveries of pipes for expanding Russia's network to be linked to the suggested Turkish Stream project, as stated by an industry source on Monday.

read more... 07/07/2015


RWE plans reorganization of units to cut costs

German utility RWE is thinking about a restructuring that could see units such as RWE Generation and RWE Innogy being fused or swallowed up by the parent group since it deals with an industry-wide crisis, as stated in a German newspaper on Saturday.

read more... 06/07/2015


Czech minister sees new state firm as best nuclear alternative

The most rational way to increase the Czech Republic's nuclear power stations would be via a newly created state firm rather than through majority state-owned CEZ, as stated by Industry Minister Jan Mladek on Monday.

read more... 16/06/2015


French government mulls a rescue plan for ailing Areva

The French government is envisaging reorganizing the nuclear industry in France, with cash injections into Areva, the company that builds nuclear power plants in the country.

read more... 16/06/2015


Japan’s atomic power to account for 20-22 % of total power mix by 2030

The Japan Natural Resources and Energy advisory committee, a body affiliated with Japan's industry ministry, has backed the controversial government plan for atomic energy to generate 20-22 percent of the country's electricity by 2030.

read more... 03/06/2015
