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Daily – oil up on continued fights in Libya

NYMEX and Brent crude oil futures traded higher on Thursday as lasting fighting in Libya continued to delay any return of the country’s exports and as Hurricane Irene boosted U.S. gasoline futures.

read more... 26/08/2011


New perspectives for Barents gas in Europe

Significant discoveries of gas in the Norwegian and Barents Sea represent a challenge for Norway to extend its current pipeline system from the North Sea to the Barents Sea.

read more... 26/08/2011


Ukraine to reduce Russian LNG imports within 5 years

According to the Energy Minister Yuriy Boyko, Ukraine is planning to cut its Russian natural gas imports by about 70% or about 27 billion cubic meters annually, in the next five years to an annual volume of 12 billion cubic meters.

read more... 24/08/2011


BP decreased daily oil and gas production in Azerbaijan

The oil giant, BP has cut its oil and gas production in Azerbaijan in the first semester of 2011, following a weaker demand over the summer time and an infrastructure improving program.

read more... 23/08/2011


OSPRAG summit highlights the oil spill prevention in UK

Oil & Gas UK, a representative organization for the country's offshore oil and gas industry will organize a summit in Aberdeen on September 21st, called UK Oil Spill Prevention and Response Group (OSPRAG), which will provide a comprehensive overview of the joint approach taken by the industry and its regulators to further improve the UK’s prevention of and response to a major well control incident.

read more... 23/08/2011
