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UK Government pressed to double its gas storage capacity

The UK government has to double its gas storage capacity by 2020 as it aims to safeguard energy supplies and to reduce the impact of energy price hikes, according to an influential group of MPs.

read more... 31/10/2011


UK to get 90% of its power from renewables by 2030

According to a recently released report by WWF-UK, Positive Energy, 60-90% of the UK’s electricity could be satisfied by sustainable sources by 2030, while the rest will be supplied through an international supergrid and gas power stations. All the six scenarios developed by GL Garrad Hassan, the world’s leading renewable energy consultancy, aim to largely decarbonise the power sector without resorting to either coal-fired power stations or nuclear power ones.

read more... 28/10/2011


Global energy demand to grow by 53% by 2035

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration report, energy consumption globally will rise by 53% between 2008 and 2035, with China and India expected to lead the growth. Even though renewable energy is likely to be the fastest growing primary energy source over the next 25 years, fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas will still be the main energy source. China’s energy consumption is expected to be 68% higher than U.S. energy demand.

read more... 26/10/2011


Largest Biomass Gasification plant to be built in Finland

Finland announced the construction of the largest biomass gasification plant with a total capacity of 140 MW running mainly on forest residues for fuel. It will be situated next to a coal fired power plant and is planned to be operational by end of 2012.

read more... 26/10/2011


European gas market ahead of 2012

The European Union's natural gas network is likely to be oversupplied by over 10% in 2011 of last year's entire consumption, calling into doubt last summer's decision by many utilities to raise their retail gas prices for 2012.

read more... 25/10/2011
