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Spain awards clean power capacity below market price in oversubscribed auction

In the country's first clean energy auction since 2017, home-grown power group Naturgy was picked to supply 235 megawatts (MW), a company spokeswoman said

read more... 27/01/2021


Dutch companies sign 10-year deal to buy 330 GWh of power from Finland

The virtual contract covers an expected output volume of 330 GWh per year - equivalent to the electricity consumption of 40,000 households

read more... 25/01/2021


Octopus Energy launches ‘world’s first’ tariff offering 50% discount when wind is blowing

The ‘Fan Club’ tariff could save consumers more than £200 per year

read more... 19/01/2021


Global power consumption ‘to almost double by 2050’

A new report predicts half of global power generation will come from renewables by 2035

read more... 18/01/2021


UK electricity prices hit record level as Britain's big freeze looms

Britain’s electricity prices have soared to an all-time high with gas also surging to a three-year record ahead of sub-zero temperatures forecast for much of the UK next week.

read more... 13/01/2021
