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Nissan Motor announces $18 billion investment to boost EV business

Japan's Nissan Motor Co. aims to invest Yen 2 trillion ($17.6 billion) over the next five years to expand its electric vehicle business, the vehicle maker said Nov. 29, which includes establishing EV refurbishing plants in Europe and the US by March 2026.

read more... 30/11/2021


Endesa to invest $3.4bn to increase renewable energy capacity

Spanish electric utility company Endesa has updated its Energy Transition strategy for 2022-24, under which it plans to invest €3.1bn ($3.4bn) to increase its renewable energy capacity to 12.3GW.

read more... 29/11/2021


Nascent hydrogen market needs low-carbon nuclear power

As Europe rediscovers the merits of nuclear power as a low-carbon source of electricity, policymakers in Brussels are now looking to leverage the non-stop generation of atomic energy to ramp up the production of low-carbon hydrogen.

read more... 29/11/2021


Enel announces $190bn investment to become net-zero by 2040

Italian energy company Enel has announced plans to invest €170bn ($190bn) by 2030 to finance its renewable energy and network businesses.

read more... 26/11/2021


New German government aims for at least 15 mln EVs by 2030

Germany aims to have at least 15 million electric cars on the roads by 2030 in its shift towards climate neutrality, up from a previous goal of 14 million, according to the coalition agreement of the incoming government published on Wednesday.

read more... 25/11/2021
