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Daily (26.11.2020): European power prices soared on Wednesday amid colder weather outlook and lower wind generation

Crude prices hit an eight-month high on Wednesday, supported by a drop in US oil stocks, progress on the coronavirus vaccine and optimism ahead of the next OPEC+ summit. As such, Brent crude rose by 1.6% to $48.61 a barrel, while WTI oil ended 1.8% higher at $45.71 a barrel.

read more... 26/11/2020


EU approves German coal phase-out tender mechanism

The European Commission today said Germany's coal phase-out tender mechanism to compensate operators for early closures promotes climate objectives and is in line with state-aid rules. But it said it will investigate the mechanism for closing lignite-fired plants.

read more... 26/11/2020


EU approves German coal phase-out tender mechanism

The European Commission today said Germany's coal phase-out tender mechanism to compensate operators for early closures promotes climate objectives and is in line with state-aid rules. But it said it will investigate the mechanism for closing lignite-fired plants.

read more... 26/11/2020


UK gas tariff changes add to 1Q21 uncertainty

Looming and as-yet unquantified changes to UK gas transmission capacity charges expected early next year have reduced the visibility of the cost of moving gas in and out of the UK.

read more... 26/11/2020


Russian oil giant announces start of vast Arctic project

He thanked Putin, with whom he has close relations, for the adoption of a law facilitating Russian investments in the Arctic

read more... 26/11/2020
