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Daily: Gas demand in UK dropped to a six year low

Tight supplies of natural gas in UK might not hit consumers as their demand is currently 30% under the seasonal norm, having dropped to a six year low from an average of 223 million cubic meters last summer to 155 million cubic meters at the end of July this year. Gas supplies have dropped due to lower LNG output, a loss of the Elgin-Franklin platform and lower UK gas production during an intense maintenance period. This week, natural gas prices were traded at roughly 55.50 pence per therm.

read more... 23/08/2012


US: most of the new power capacity uses natural gas or renewables

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, in the first six months of 2012, a total of 8,098 MW of new capacity was added, 80% of the capacity was added in 10 states out of a total of 33. Natural gas and renewable energy sources contributed the most to total energy production.

read more... 23/08/2012


World power costs and gas prices

NUS Deutschland GmbH, the Duesseldorf-based German NUS division, produced the annual ranking of world power costs for industry. Costs were based on prices on June 1 for the supply of 1,000 kilowatt with 450 hours use per annum, typical of a sizeable industrial manufacturer. The prices excluded value added tax. The percentage change was calculated on dollar basis, using local currencies in order to eliminate currency movement distortion, and then expressed in euros.

read more... 21/08/2012


Bulgaria starts construction of gas pipeline with Romania

In 2009 Bulgartransgaz EAD and S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A. signed a Memorandum of agreement according to which the two countries should cooperate in the construction of the Gas Interconnection Bulgaria – Romania Project.

read more... 17/08/2012


U.S. carbon emissions decreased significantly on the shale gas boom

As power generators switch from coal to cheap gas, the U.S. carbon emissions registered a big drop, hitting its lowest level in 20 years. The introduction of new, efficient gas-fired capacity and a recent decline in the price of natural gas has helped boost natural gas share from 14 percent in 2000 to 24 % in 2011.

read more... 17/08/2012
