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EU will investigate Gazprom in antitrust probe

The EU Commission said it would investigate into Russia’s major Gazprom with the intention of discovering whether the export monopoly Gazprom had blocked fair competition in the natural gas markets of Central and Eastern Europe. It said it would investigate if Gazprom was obstructing the free flow of gas across the EU countries and whether it erred in charging unfair prices to its customers through its oil-linked gas prices.

read more... 06/09/2012


British oil and gas production is set to increase

UK energy minister Charles Hendry said that it is expected that UK’s decline in oil and gas production to be less marked this year. British oil and gas production may increase after the worst annual decline in output since the 1960.

read more... 05/09/2012


France’s government announces gasoline price cut to boost its economy

France’s finance ministry announced that gasoline and diesel fuel prices will drop up to six cents per liter, about 4 per cent of actual pump prices, move aimed at fulfilling a key campaign pledge of President Francois Hollande. This temporary initiative will cost the French government $375 million.

read more... 05/09/2012


Turkey looking for Turkmen gas for TANAP

Taner Yildiz, Turkish Minister for Energy, has said that Turkmenistan is likely to join Azerbaijan in supplying gas into the Trans-Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) through Turkey to the EU border thus helping to reduce Europe’s reliance on Russian gas.

read more... 04/09/2012


Gas- fired power generation will register a considerable growth worldwide

The gas-fired power generation is likely to increase worldwide to 537 GW by 2020 due to its moderately clean-burning characteristics and flexible operating capabilities, according to a study made by Frost & Sullivan.

read more... 03/09/2012
