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Portugal on track to become coal-free by year end

The Sines coal plant in Portugal went offline at midnight yesterday evening (14 January), leaving Portugal with just one remaining coal power station in operation, which is scheduled for closure in November.

read more... 15/01/2021


Shell-Exxon aims at $2.5 billion in Dutch subsidies for carbon storage

A consortium that includes oil majors Royal Dutch Shell and ExxonMobil has requested a total of 2.1 billion euros ($2.55 billion) in subsidies for a project to store CO2 gasses in empty Dutch gas fields in the North Sea, the Dutch Economy ministry said on Thursday.

read more... 15/01/2021


Nord Stream 2 postpones resumption of pipeline construction

The Russia-led Nord Stream 2 consortium will not yet resume the work to complete the subsea gas pipeline to Germany on Friday, daily Handelsblatt reported, citing a spokesman.

read more... 15/01/2021


Daily (14.01.2021): British front-month gas price slumps by 16% after reaching two-year high

Crude oil prices retreated on Wednesday, feeling the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on global demand. Consequently, Brent oil decreased by 0.9% to close at $56.06 a barrel, while WTI crude edged 0.6% lower at $52.91 a barrel.

read more... 14/01/2021


Equinor grabs 2.5 GW of awards in NY offshore wind tender

Equinor ASA’s (NYSE:EQNR) Empire Wind Phase 2 and the Beacon Wind projects totalling close to 2.5 GW are the winners in New York’s latest offshore wind procurement round.

read more... 14/01/2021
