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France turns net power importer on higher demand, lower nuclear output

France was a net importer of power in Week 14 (April 5-11) as cold temperatures saw power demand rise sharply after the Easter weekend, while a combination of planned and forced outages in EDF's nuclear fleet saw its generation at a six-month low.

read more... 13/04/2021


Britain will have enough electricity over summer - National Grid

Britain should have enough electricity to meet demand over the summer months, the country's National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) said on Thursday, even though peak demand could be slightly higher than last year.

read more... 08/04/2021


Lithuania sets up grid-linked energy storage pilot with Siemens in 'post-Soviet' move

Project near capital Vilnius to underpin potential for rapid expansion of renewable energies and increase independence from Russian power imports

read more... 07/04/2021


European power prices to ease after 2023 on lower gas prices, renewable capacity gains

European power prices are forecast to remain at current elevated levels until 2023 on capacity closures, slight demand gains and rising carbon prices, according to S&P Global Platts Analytics.

read more... 31/03/2021


UK needs 49.5GW of flexibility to become 100% renewable

Technology group Wärtsilä has stressed that the UK must install more flexible energy storage and gas technologies if it is to achieve an entirely renewable future.

read more... 30/03/2021
