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Statoil and Wintershall sign a gas supply contract

Norwegian company Statoil, which states to be the second largest supplier of gas to Europe has signed a gas supply agreement with Germany’s Wintershall for the delivery of about 45 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas to the German and other North-West European markets.

read more... 20/11/2012


Centrica to abandon UK nuclear by focusing its expansion in the US

Centrica intends to concentrate investments in the U.S., if it decides to withdraw from new nuclear power stations in the UK. It considers the prospect of higher profit margins and huge opportunities in the shale gas boom. According to senior company sources, only a remarkable change in Government policy on subsidising nuclear power would create a business case for investment.

read more... 19/11/2012


Ukraine to import German gas from January 1

Energy and Coal Industry Minister of Ukraine, Yuriy Boyko announced on Friday that Ukraine will start to import natural gas from Germany from January 1, 2013. Germany's RWE would sell Ukraine gas and it would be shipped via pipelines through Hungary.

read more... 19/11/2012


China will cut fuel prices

China announced on Thursday cuts to fuel prices, introducing additional stimulus into the world's second-largest economy, which has shown signs of recovery in latest months. The Asian country will cut gasoline and diesel prices by 310 Yuan ($49.75) and 300 Yuan a metric ton, effective from Friday, has announced the National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic planning body.

read more... 16/11/2012


Statoil shuts Troll C platform, hitting 120,000 barrels per day oil output

Norwegian energy giant Statoil has recently shut its significant Troll C oil and gas platform in the North Sea because of corrosion found in the auxiliary system for gas treatment, slashing Norway’s oil production by around 8 percent.

read more... 16/11/2012
