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Europe's energy giants turn greener, but paths and targets diverge

Europe’s top oil and gas companies, which account for roughly 7% of global crude consumption, have committed themselves to greenhouse gas emission reduction targets which vary in scope and detail, making them hard for investors to compare.

read more... 17/04/2020


Acciona, AXA buy KKR out of renewables venture for EUR 445m

Acciona SA and AXA Investment Managers - Real Assets have signed a EUR-445-million (USD 486.6m) deal to acquire the 33.33% stake in Acciona Energia Internacional SA (AEI) currently held by KKR & Co LP.

read more... 13/04/2020


Daily (03.04.2020): Brent and WTI surged by 21% and 25% respectively on Thursday as Trump signalled the price war might end soon

Crude oil futures increased considerably on Thursday, posting their biggest spike in a single session following a message from Donald Trump promising a reduction in Russian and Saudi production to rebalance the black gold market devastated by the covid-19 pandemic. At the same time, Saudi Arabia called for an urgent meeting of the OPEC and other countries, including Russia, to re-establish a balance in the oil markets.

read more... 03/04/2020


Daily (01.04.2020): WTI crude rebounded by about 2% on Tuesday, but outlook remains gloomy

Oil futures evolved differently on Tuesday, with Brent crude edging lower at $22.74 a barrel, but showed some signs of improvement in early trading after U.S. President Donald Trump and its Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin agreed to talks on stabilizing energy markets. Meanwhile, U.S. WTI crude rose by 1.9% to settle at 20.48 a barrel.

read more... 01/04/2020


Russia Moves In On European Gas Markets As Oil Prices Crash

Russia sees a silver lining in the oil price collapse—it now believes that the oil price war will help it win the war for natural gas market share in Europe. Russia’s gas giant Gazprom, the single largest supplier of natural gas to Europe, has watched with apprehension the growing volumes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States that have arrived on European shores over the past two years.

read more... 24/03/2020
