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Gazprom requires 7 billion dollars for imports of gas to Ukraine

National Naftogaz of Ukraine received from Gazprom a 7 billion dollars bill. In January 2009, the two companies have signed an agreement according to which Ukraine had to buy from Moscow at least 41 billion cubic meter of gas a year, and if consumes less, it is obliged to pay a penalty. In fact the country imported last year less gas than stipulated in the contract, about 33 billion cubic meters.

read more... 28/01/2013


Italy could face an additional cost of about €1 bn for energy

After the last week conflict in Algeria, when Islamic militants attacked a complex controlled by BP PLC, Norway's Statoil ASA and Algeria's state energy company Sonatrach, Italy could face an additional cost of almost 1 billion euro (£839m) per year for energy, because of the interruption of Algerian gas supplies.

read more... 25/01/2013


Coal prices need $80 rise for gas to become competitive

A steady decline in European coal prices that has coincided with a tight gas market means that coal prices would have to rise by almost 80 USD/tonne in order to restore competitiveness to gas for power generation, Deutsche Bank said in a note.

read more... 25/01/2013


China to limit energy consumption at 8% by 2015

The Chinese government has announced, on Wednesday, that China will aim to limit total annual primary energy consumption to 8% a year from 2010 to 2015, as it seeks to improve efficiency and to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases and pollution. It intends also to limit installations of new-coal fired power plants while improving the share of renewables.

read more... 24/01/2013


China to invest 2 billion dollars in shale gas exploration

The Ministry of Land and Resources of China, has announced on Monday that almost 16 firms have committed to invest about 12.8 billion yuan (2 billion dollars) in shale gas exploration projects.

read more... 22/01/2013
