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Angela Merkel’s coalition supports the acceleration of shale gas fracking

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition is pledging for easing the extraction of natural gas by hydraulic fracturing methods, withdrawing a virtual moratorium on the controversial fracking in some German regions.

read more... 11/02/2013


Gazprom to cut prices for European customers in 2013

Gazprom, the world's biggest gas producer, has announced on Friday that it has set aside 3.5 billion euro for retroactive price concessions to major European customers in 2013. That comes as a reaction to the declining demand because of the Europe’s economic crisis, energy efficiency drives and competition from liquefied natural gas.

read more... 11/02/2013


UK exports gas cheaper than it pays for imports

According to the Guardian newspaper, the UK is exporting gas at a lower price than it is importing the fuel. In the period between December 2011 and October 2012, gas was being exported to continental Europe when it would have carried a higher price in the UK, at the same time as the UK exported 15 times more gas through the gas interconnector running between the UK and Belgium than it imported.

read more... 08/02/2013


Daily: UK prompt gas drops on forecasts for warmer weather

Brent crude futures boosted on Wednesday, increasing the premium to U.S. crude, while gains were capped by data showing soaring inventories in the U.S. Meanwhile, Brent March crude boosted 21 cents, or 0.18 percent, to settle at $116.73 a barrel, having traded from $115.72 to $117.05.

read more... 07/02/2013


Daily: UK prompt gas settles up on undersupplied system, higher heating demand

Brent and U.S crude oil futures dropped by about 1 percent on Monday, falling alongside equities on Wall Street as traders locked in profits after three weeks of gains that increased oil prices by about 10 percent since the beginning of December.

read more... 05/02/2013
