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Energiewende: German model of clean energy transformation

Germany is now in the middle of an unprecedented clean energy revolution due to “Energiewende,” a strategy to revive the national energy system, as Germany pledges to reduce its overall energy consumption by 50 percent and hit 80 percent of renewable energy by 2050. Up to present, the country has already registered a great progress toward achieving this ambitious goal.

read more... 02/09/2013


Petroleum products consumption increased worldwide

The world’s consumption of petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, heating oil, and other products reached a record high last year, even if there was a decline in consumption in North America and Europe. According to the Energy Information Administration, in 2012 the world consumed about 88.9 million barrels of petroleum products per day.

read more... 30/08/2013


Poland obtained its first gas from fracking

Lane Energy Poland, an exploratory subsidiary of ConocoPhillips, is now extracting some 8,000 cubic metres of shale gas per day at a test well in the northern city of Lebork in Poland. Currently it pays some of the highest gas rates in all of Europe.

read more... 30/08/2013


UK: Electricity generation from renewable sources increased considerably

Within the UK, the total contribution of renewable electricity has grown by an amazing 52% in the last 5 years, driven significantly by a huge expansion in wind energy. According to the latest figures from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), wind and solar PV electricity production increased by about 30%.

read more... 30/08/2013


Vattenfall submitted plans for a new wind farm in Scotland

Swedish energy company Vattenfall has presented plans for the construction of a new wind farm on the south west of Scotland. The South Kyle Wind Farm would have about 50 turbines and a capacity of more than 170 MW, which should be enough to meet the annual electricity power demand of more than 90,000 households. It is expected that it will cost more than £190 million to build the wind farm.

read more... 29/08/2013
