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UK’s Centrica to strike the first LNG deal with U.S.

Centrica, UK’s biggest household energy supplier envisages signing a long-term LNG import deal with U.S. companies, as UK is facing difficulties finding new natural gas supply sources to meet its increasing import demand as global price variations and new gas discoveries are favoring carrying the gas to Asia instead of Europe.

read more... 11/03/2013


Daily: UK wholesale gas prices drop, but still high as the system eases

Brent crude oil futures for April delivery boosted $1.52 per barrel to settle at $111.61 on Tuesday, breaking a five-day losing strip, mainly prompted by North Sea supply disruptions, optimism over Chinese demand growth after the country targeted 7.5 percent GDP growth this year and a significant increase in U.S. equities.

read more... 06/03/2013


German RWE abandons production of crude oil and natural gas

RWE AG has announced on Tuesday it has put its oil and gas exploration and production business up for sale in a move aimed to remove pressure on future capital spending and improve the company’s financial situation.

read more... 06/03/2013


UK: Gas prices hit 5 year highs

UK gas prices hit a five year high on Monday as unexpected stoppages at North Sea facilities sparked worries about the risk to power supplies. Within-day gas prices traded as high as 120 pence per therm, as the system was undersupplied by roughly 60 million cubic meters per day.

read more... 05/03/2013


Libyan natural gas exports to Italy halted after militias fight

Mellitah oil and gas complex, ENI’s most important facility in the west region of Tripoli had to halt gas exports on Saturday following clashes between local militia, amid increasing concerns over the stability of North Africa's hydrocarbon supplies.

read more... 04/03/2013
