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Russia and China to agree terms of multi-billion dollar gas deal at the G20 Summit

The Russian energy giant Gazprom and the Chinese National Petroleum Company (CNPC) inked a deal envisaging supply terms for the delivery of natural gas from Russia.

read more... 09/09/2013


UK: Shale gas reserves could quadruple

The IGas Energy Group, one of the UK’s hydrocarbon producers, has announced that its license in north west England could contain over 170 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of the unconventional gas. According to IGas technical studies, the quantity of shale gas in some regions of the UK has been underestimated.

read more... 06/09/2013


EWEA: Offshore wind turbines increased about 2-fold in 2013

The industry body European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) said in the first half of 2013 the number of new offshore wind turbines installed increased about 2-fold compared with a year ago, however financing for new projects has slowed.

read more... 05/09/2013


Italy to halve offshore exploration areas

According to a Reuters report Italy has halved the offshore areas where it will allow companies to explore for oil and gas as it is aiming to diminish the country’s reliance on energy imports. The move is projected to placate environmental groups and to hasten expansion of new deep-water prospects.

read more... 05/09/2013


UK Government will not subsidize new gas storage facilities

Energy Minister Michael Fallon has announced that the UK Government has rejected calls to subsidize new gas storage facilities, saying it would be too costly for bill payers. Ministers added that the UK gas market is functioning well in attracting gas from various sources in order to meet current and future demand and said that its decision will save bill payers more than 750 million pounds in the next 10 years.

read more... 05/09/2013
