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Czech Republic: Nuclear power seems to be “crucial” in its new energy strategy

While many European countries decided to give up nuclear power, the Czech Republic wants to increase the share of nuclear power in its energy mix.

read more... 16/10/2013


Wind energy associations met in Spain to call for a 2030 renewables target

Last week, CEOs of 12 national wind energy associations from across Europe met in Spain to unite their efforts in a call for a compulsory 2030 renewable energy target.

read more... 15/10/2013


The real cost of renewables versus nuclear and fossil energy

Last Friday, 10 CEO’s of large nuclear and fossil energy producers held a press conference in Brussels, asking European governments to stop subsidising renewable energy. Remarkably, Gerard Mestrallet CEO for GDF-Suez, was one of them. Strange, because in Belgium GDF-Suez is the largest beneficiary of renewable energy subsidies. Zero Emission Solutions, a study and consultancy agency for renewable energy, draws the attention to these CEO’s that today – at least in Belgium - nuclear and fossil energy production benefits from more governmental aid than renewable energy:

read more... 15/10/2013


EDF to build and operate nuclear reactors in UK

The U.K. government and Electricite de France SA are close to announcing a great deal that would see France's EDF Energy building the country's first new nuclear power station since 1995. The project could have a total cost of more than 22.4 billion dollars and would be built on the west coast of England.

read more... 14/10/2013


UK Government will not subsidize new gas storage facilities

Energy Minister Michael Fallon has announced that the UK Government has rejected calls to subsidize new gas storage facilities, saying it would be too costly for bill payers. Ministers added that the UK gas market is functioning well in attracting gas from various sources in order to meet current and future demand and said that its decision will save bill payers more than 750 million pounds in the next 10 years.

read more... 11/10/2013
