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Nascent hydrogen market needs low-carbon nuclear power

As Europe rediscovers the merits of nuclear power as a low-carbon source of electricity, policymakers in Brussels are now looking to leverage the non-stop generation of atomic energy to ramp up the production of low-carbon hydrogen.

read more... 29/11/2021


Portugal becomes fourth EU country to stop using coal plants

Environmental activists are welcoming the end of electricity generation from coal in Portugal, though they said Monday the possible conversion of the country's last coal-fired power plant into one that burns wood pellets would be a step in the wrong direction.

read more... 23/11/2021


Spain’s power measures ‘tilting toward’ utilities

Spain's interventionist measures in recent months aimed at reducing the effect of record wholesale energy prices on consumers' electricity bills have temporarily increased regulatory risk perception in the sector. But they looked to be leaning towards local major utilities in the end, consultancy Ekon said.

read more... 22/11/2021


SSE to step up renewables development

SSE is to double its renewables capacity and invest in UK electricity networks under a new net zero strategy.

read more... 18/11/2021


France Bets On Nuclear Power To Reach Net-Zero Goal

France will re-launch the construction of nuclear reactors in a bid to decarbonize its electricity mix, reach net-zero emissions by 2050, and guarantee the country’s energy independence, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an address to the nation on Tuesday.

read more... 12/11/2021
