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The green energy sector in Italy is the one with the highest potential in Europe

The renewable energy sector in Italy is one with the highest prospective in Europe, being today a leading producer of electricity from renewable sources. The solar PV capacity has seen a great success, growing 3000% over the past three years. The wind market has also seen constant high levels of investment, with the number of installations increasing by almost 40% in 2012.

read more... 18/10/2013


Scotland’s renewable energy sources are now representing 40% of its power

Wind, wave and tide represent more than 80% of Scotland's renewable energy potential, and this potential is expected to be able to supply 25% of the European Union’s total energy requirements. Much of this potential at present remains unexploited, although continuing developments in engineering are enabling far more of Scotland’s renewable resources to be utilized.

read more... 18/10/2013


Germany's green energy surcharge will increase 18% in 2014

German network operators have announced that the surcharge added to German electricity bills to cover the cost of renewables is set to increase 18 % to a record high of 6.24 cents per kilowatt hour. The charge has more than quintupled in the last 4 years, while increasing German household power bills, which now are the third- highest in the European Union.

read more... 17/10/2013


The Visegrad four leaders call on EU to support nuclear energy

At a press conference held on Monday, the V4 countries announced that they support nuclear energy use and expect the European Union to support Central Europe to enhance its nuclear energy capacity.

read more... 17/10/2013


The solution to Europe’s high energy prices could be Russia or fracking

Chief executive of Italy’s Eni, Paolo Scaroni said at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York that Europe is facing dramatic energy costs and that there are two directions which could be a solution for Europe: fracking or increasing Russian imports.

read more... 16/10/2013
