Latest news

Total to explore offshore gas field in Argentina

A consortium led by the French energy giant Total, with German firm Wintershall and Pan America Energy from Argentina will invest USD 1 billion (EUR 725.1m) to develop the Vega Pleyade offshore deep water natural gas field off the southern coast of Argentina.

read more... 25/10/2013


E.ON to build an offshore wind farm in the North Sea island of Helgoland

The German energy provide E. ON unveiled it started the construction of its Amrumbank West offshore wind farm in the North Sea.

read more... 24/10/2013


Turkey: one of the largest and most dynamic energy markets

Turkey intends to be one of the world’s 10 largest economies by 2023, which means that in less than 10 years, it must move at least one position every year to reach its challenging target. And it is on the right way to reach that goal as in few decades Turkey had succeeded in transforming its economy and its international image from a country that used to depend on external help, to a country that provides external help to others.

read more... 24/10/2013


U.S. carbon emissions plummeted at the lowest level since 1994

While the greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase worldwide, U.S carbon emissions plummeted to the lowest level since 1994, according to a report released by Energy Information Administration (EIA).

read more... 24/10/2013


Europe threatened by blackouts

Energy companies informed that Europe could face power blackouts if the economy in Europe would improve while energy provision would remain inadequate. Energy security in Europe is under menace and the area could soon be exposed to substantial power outages during this winter, due to a lack of production capacity.

read more... 23/10/2013
