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Czech researchers develop revolutionary nuclear heating plant

A team of scientists has come up with a radical solution to heat cities using spent nuclear rods, which they say is cost-effective and greener than natural gas. As the EU moves away from coal, many are interested.

read more... 08/04/2021


Britain will have enough electricity over summer - National Grid

Britain should have enough electricity to meet demand over the summer months, the country's National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) said on Thursday, even though peak demand could be slightly higher than last year.

read more... 08/04/2021


Record fall in EU ETS-covered emissions in 2020

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from stationary installations covered by the EU emissions trading system (ETS) are projected to have fallen by the largest amount last year since the launch of the carbon market, according to provisional data released by the European Commission this week.

read more... 08/04/2021


Daily (07.04.2021): Carbon EUAs rose by 4% on Tuesday, breaking a new record high

Crude oil prices increased on Tuesday, on optimism over demand recovery amid a fast vaccine rollout in the United States. Gains, however, were limited by OPEC+ members’ decision of an increase in their output. Brent oil ended 1% up at $62.74 a barrel, while WTI crude rose by 1.2% to $59.33 a barrel.

read more... 07/04/2021


Lithuania sets up grid-linked energy storage pilot with Siemens in 'post-Soviet' move

Project near capital Vilnius to underpin potential for rapid expansion of renewable energies and increase independence from Russian power imports

read more... 07/04/2021
