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IEA encourages Europe to increase shale gas output

The International Energy Agency (IEA) is encouraging Europe to boost its shale gas output, being concerned about high prices of European gas, suggesting Brussels to minimize the activity of energy-intensive industries such as cement and steel, while trimming the subsidies for green energy.

read more... 27/01/2014


Germany: the first EU state to penalize the self-consumption of solar energy

The German government has approved on Wednesday a new solar tax, becoming the first European nation to charge owners of renewable energy plants for their own use of electricity, as part of Merkel’s plan to contain rising power bills. The changes would affect photovoltaics and are now partly being reported as a new retroactive solar tax. The cabinet is expected to officially sign off on the draft law in April before it goes to the Bundestag, which is expected to vote on it in June and could become law on August.

read more... 27/01/2014


European Commission sets new 2030 climate goals

The European Union trimmed its long-term climate and energy goals on January 22, proposing less tight targets than previously amid rougher economic conditions and the necessity to curtail increasing energy costs.

read more... 24/01/2014


The EC has proposed a new plan for ocean energy

The European Commission has revealed a new plan for ocean energy sector in Europe. European leaders have today delivered a new action plan to support the development of the renewable marine energy sector. Its exploitation would contribute to lower carbon emissions across the EU as well as providing Europe with secure and reliable energy sources.

read more... 23/01/2014


Npower: British energy bills set to rocket by more than £200 by 2020

British energy bills are expected to increase over £200 by 2020, unless energy efficiency measures are embraced, driven by costs of government green policies, according to a controversial report recently released by the energy supply Npower. It reiterated that households should take more initiatives to insulate their homes, cutting in such a way the bill to £1,240.

read more... 23/01/2014
