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E.ON gas discovery in the North Sea bigger than expected

E.ON has reported in a news release that its discovery in the UK North Sea could be larger than expected, being one of the major gas discoveries made in this part of North Sea in the last years. The Tolmount gas well is situated near existing gas infrastructure in the UK North Sea and was discovered in the second half of 2011.

read more... 14/08/2013


UK needs shale gas more than ever

Recent projections made by the government foresee that natural gas demand is estimated to amount to 78.8 billion cubic meters by 2030, with the country’s reliance on imported gas is set to reach 70-75% by that period.

read more... 13/08/2013


IEA: Coal demand will continue to grow in the next years to come

According to a new report recently released by the International Energy Agency (IEA) coal could become the world's top energy source by 2017 along with oil. The IEA expects an increase in coal demand all over the world except the US, where natural gas is replacing the black mineral as feedstock for the production of electricity.

read more... 09/08/2013


Gas-fired plants face profit squeezes and opportunistic investment

Utilities across Europe have been hit by high gas prices and low power contracts, which have squeezed their profit margins.

read more... 09/08/2013


IEA: CO2 emissions from energy consumption increased in 2012 worldwide

According to a recent report released by the International Energy Agency (IEA) global CO2 emission from energy consumption increased 1.4% last year to 31.6 billion tons. The energy sector accounts for more than two-thirds of greenhouse gas emissions.

read more... 08/08/2013
