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2013: a great year for Enel and for geothermal energy

Last year the geothermal energy industry celebrated 100 years of commercial geothermal power generation. Italy is the country where geothermal energy was first exploited for industrial reasons and it is still one of the main producers of geothermoelectric energy in the world. The first example of a geothermal power plant went into operation in 1905, in Larderello, Tuscany.

read more... 13/02/2014


USA: Coal production at lowest level in 20 years

According to new data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), coal production in the USA plunged to its lowest level in 20 years, totaling 996 million short tons at the end of 2013, or a 2% decrease compared to 2012 levels. It is the first time in 20 years that annual coal production was below 1 billion short tons.

read more... 12/02/2014


British Gas on risk to be split up on excessive profit margins

British Gas former monopoly is under threat to be split up to put a cap on excessive profit margins charged by UK’s largest gas supplier, according to a declaration made by Energy Secretary Ed Davey.

read more... 12/02/2014


Scottish Power to expand the Cruachan hydro power station

Scottish Power, a global energy company and world leader in wind energy, has today revealed plans to more than double the amount of electricity that could be produced at its Ben Cruachan hydro power station, in a move which aims to balance supply from more intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind farms. Currently the station can produce up to 440 megawatts (MW) of electricity, but once expanded it could generate about 1040 MW, enough to power almost one million homes.

read more... 11/02/2014


Italian consortium to build a LNG terminal in the port of Monfalcone

A consortium of Italian companies is eyeing developing a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in northeastern Italy, move which will help to decrease their energy costs.

read more... 11/02/2014
