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Renewables and nuclear account for more than 50% of Europe’s energy capacity

According to a new report released by Eurostat this February 17, nuclear power and renewables represent more than 50% of Europe's energy capacity.

read more... 18/02/2014


A2SEA to build Germany’s largest offshore wind farm

A2SEA, the world leader in offshore wind installation, has won a contract from DONG Energy to install 97 Siemens turbines of 6MW each, at a total capacity of 582MW. Once finished, Gode Wind 1 and 2 will be the major adjacent offshore wind farm in Germany.

read more... 18/02/2014


Russia to increase its oil and gas production

Deputy Energy Minister, Kirill Molodtsov, declared that Russia is likely to increase its oil production by 0.3% to 525 million tons in 2014, about 10.54 million barrels per day, which could be the highest level Russia has attained since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The significant growth was attributed to changes in tax law, which has stimulated development of new fields and hard-to-recover reserves.

read more... 14/02/2014


EDF Energy generated its highest amount of nuclear power in UK in 8 years

The French state-controlled company EDF Energy has announced that last year it has generated its highest amount of nuclear power in the UK for the last eight years, increasing its earnings by 1.4 per cent to £1.69bn from £1.67 in 2012, driven by the performance of its eight nuclear power stations. According to the company’s annual results, the nuclear power output rose by 0.5 TWh attaining 60.5 TWh in 2013.

read more... 14/02/2014


Biggest Irish wind farm became operational

Ireland-based renewable energy company Invis Energy unveiled the biggest wind farm it has built in country in 2013 has started to operate, generating power to households and businesses.

read more... 14/02/2014
