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Berlin and Brussels close to agreement on green energy rebates

A broad agreement has been reached between the European Commission and German government over the country’s contested rebates to industry from green energy surtaxes, as stated on Monday by sources from German industry and government.

read more... 18/03/2014


TOTAL: 2012 North Sea gas leak might be subject to legal proceedings

British authorities are expected to initiate legal action against Total energy group over a significant gas leak at a North Sea oil rig in 2012, according to the declaration of the French company on Sunday.

read more... 17/03/2014


Dong Energy: wind capacity to be increased to 312MW at Riffgrund

Dong Energy decided to increase the total capacity of its turbines from 277 MW to 312 MW at the Borkum Riffgrund 1 offshore wind farm. The turbines are likely to be upgraded from 3.6 MW to 4 MW.

read more... 17/03/2014


Britain: 12 GW of power plant capacity to be taken offline by the end of 2023

About 12 GW of power plant capacity might be taken offline in Britain by the end of 2023, because of tougher European Union pollution laws, according to Reuters estimates published on Wednesday. Britain’s main goal is to ascertain a varied, low-carbon and efficient energy mix so as to cut emissions and offer consumers the best transaction, as stated by a spokeswoman from the UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change.

read more... 13/03/2014


Italy: GME energy bourse to close carbon trading platform after 3-year suspension

On March 22, Italian bourse Gestore Mercati Energetici (GME) will close its carbon emissions market, after more than three years of trade suspension as a result of a supposed illicit activity.

read more... 13/03/2014
