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Bergermeer gas storage project halted by Dutch Court

The giant Bergermeer gas storage project has been temporarily halted by the highest administrative court of the Netherlands on Monday, due to environmentalists and local residents’ worries that the process of injecting gas would cause tremors in the area.

read more... 10/08/2011


EU approves stricter rules for nuclear waste storage

The EU Council of ministers has approved new regulations for nuclear fuel and waste storage which will make the conditions on exporting it outside EU borders more stringent.

read more... 27/07/2011


Energy market Trend for 2011-2021

Natural gas is becoming an attractive energy source for its relative low cost and rising trading demand. Due to fast economy growth, natural gas becomes the best alternative to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and be reliant from unpredictably oil price fluctuations and driven global demand. The natural gas and LNG storage market is estimated to worth $18.57bn in 2011.

read more... 22/07/2011


Four dead in an explosion at a British refinery

A storage tank belonging to Chevron blasted at a British oil refinery in western Wales, killing four workers and seriously injuring another, this being the U.K.’s worst refinery disaster since 1974.

read more... 06/06/2011


National Laboratory for clean energy to be opened in China

A National Laboratory for clean energy is expected to be opened in September in a maritime city in the Northeastern part of the Chinese Province of Liaoning. The laboratory activity will be focused on research of petroleum, natural gas, biomass energy, hydro energy, power storage and other areas.

read more... 22/04/2011
