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German RWE restructures its gas, coal production business

German firm RWE AG has reorganized its gas, hard coal, hydroelectric power and biomass generation businesses to merge within its subsidiary RWE Generation.

read more... 04/01/2018


Daily (04.12.2017): Power prices on the forwards curve rose along the gains in oil, carbon and coal markets

Oil prices edged higher on Friday, moving toward 2½-year peaks after two dozen crude-producing countries decided to reduce their output through the end of 2018.

read more... 04/12/2017


Spanish government opposes coal phase-out

The Spanish authorities are against the decision taken by Iberdrola, the most important electricity provider, to close two coal-fired power sites. This vision is contrary to the Paris Agreement on climate change.

read more... 27/11/2017


Poland aims to develop renewables and shake off coal-dependency stereotypes

Poland has been continuously enhancing its share of green energies with the aim to decarbonize its economy, challenging stereotypes that describe it as the coal-dependent on Europe. Nevertheless, the development of renewable technologies looks to have reduced since the 2015 peak.

read more... 23/11/2017


The boost of low-cost renewables changes EU energy expectations for 2030

The accelerated fall in wind and solar energy costs, and flexible demand technology could substitute more than 50% of coal and gas generated electricity in Europe by 2030, as indicated in a recent research published on Tuesday.

read more... 21/11/2017
